Friday, July 13, 2012

Rain in July

I'd say the majority of the world will get a few summer rain showers here and there.  I haven't traveled to too many places in the world but I can say without a doubt that rain would grace us with its presence every once in a while when I visited Paris a few summers ago.  It would graze the beautiful quiet city later in the day.  A few hours later the clouds would begin to part and crack like ice just as the sun set.  We'd walk outside to accompany the desk attendants as they smoked their Parisian cigarettes and the puddles would glisten in the reflection of the sunset.  I still have this image in my head of the Rue Vavin after a summer rain shower.  It's one of the most beautiful things I have been graced with in this world and I plan to cherish it until I see it again.  Until it becomes a reality once more.

Cheminées rue Vavin à Paris 6ème  by John Aives (on flickr)


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